Sunday, June 27, 2010

Fried/Hot Water Cornbread

 Enough hot oil to be at least 3 inches deep

1 cup yellow self rising corn meal
1 tsp. baking powder

1 cup boiling water

    When oil is nearly hot enough to fry in add boiling water to meal along with baking powder. Wet your left hand with cool water. Scoop up a heaping tablespoon of hot meal mixture; using wet hand form the top into a smooth oval.
This will be hot on your hands,that is why on each scoop you cool them with cold water.
    Gently put into the hot oil.. Repeat until you have about four or five in the oil. Brown on both sides. Remove to a platter lined with paper towels.
     Repeat until all are cooked. This is great with vegetables and soups and red beans. It was a staple of the Old South!

 Below are pics of my fried cornbread!


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